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Writer's picturestaceydfaubion

Day 10: Living Life Faithfully

Updated: Jan 29

Jesus tells us in Matthew 17:20, that faith the size of a tiny mustard seed is powerful. So, let's plant those seeds and reap the harvest.

The Seed: God's Word

Cleansing Rain: A Reflection on God's Word

Let’s begin with a few definitions to clarify today’s verse:

Justification: made righteous (without sin, blameless) in the sight of God.

Peace: no war, state of security

Now a rewrite:

We are made right with God by faith. We are no longer at odds but in a state of security with God because of Jesus’s death on the cross. Our sins are forgiven. We no longer stand condemned before God but have been set free.

None of our actions make us right with God. It is only Jesus’s work on the cross that saves us. Our faith in this life-saving work justifies us. And if you read further to verse 2, Paul says in his letter to the Romans that we stand in this grace. Through Him, we have also obtained access by faith into this grace in which we stand, and we rejoice in hope of the glory of God. (Romans 5:2) We cannot lose this position.

In short:

Know Jesus, Know Peace.

No Jesus, No peace.

Taking Root: Questions to Help You Dig Deeper

SonShine: Shining the Light of Jesus

Justification – Lutheran: Justification is the conferring of Christ’s perfect righteousness on Christians so that they are righteous before God and do not lack anything. This righteousness does not need to be complemented by anything to be saved.

Daily Sprinkle: A Prayer to Say Throughout the Day

Be at peace! We stand righteous before God for we have faith in Jesus.

In Christ,

Stacey Faubion


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